Hou I-Ting received a degree from the Taipei National University of the Arts, and later obtained a MFA degree in plastic arts from the Tainan National University of the Arts.
By blending imagery and video with embroidery, Hou challenges the way we identify imagery in everyday life, while reconfiguring an otherwise prosaic visual experience. She is especially interested in the female labor condition in the socioeconomic system of the past and of today. Her practice pivots around the changing relationship between the body and imagery over the course of time. In particular, she transforms her on-site sewing performance into a cultural critique on the labor process within a capitalist society.
She has exhibited internationally, including We Now Stand — In Order to Map the Future, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japan (2019); Contemporary Art from Asia, Australia and the Pacific: A Selection of Works From QAGOMA’s Asia Pacific Triennial, Centro Cultural La Moneda, Santiago, Chile (2019); Tejiendo identidades (Weaving Identities): Hou I-Ting Solo Exhibition, PHotoEspaña, Centro de Historias, Zaragoza, Spain (2019); Cold Chain: Hou I-Ting Solo Exhibition, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan (2019); 9th Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane, Australia (2018); Citation From Craft — Taiwanese Contemporary Textile Art, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japan (2017), and Sewing Field, TKG+ Projects, Taipei, Taiwan (2015).
Her work is housed in the collections of the Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taiwan; Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan; National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan; Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan; White Rabbit Gallery, Australia; and Queensland Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art, Australia.