Christof Migone and Marla Hlady updated profile

Hlady and Migone


Christof Migone and Marla Hlady have long-standing individual artistic practices; they started to collaborate in 2015. Their joint projects combine pre-existing solo concerns and recurring strategies into works that accent site and sound space within a contemporary visual art context. Marla has an MFA from York and is tenured faculty at the University of Toronto. Christof has an MFA from NSCAD and a PhD from NYU, and is tenured faculty at the University of Western Ontario. Both have international careers, including exhibitions or events in Australia, Korea,Japan, the USA and in 15 European countries. Marla is in the collection of the AGO, the National Gallery of Canada, Museum London, Canada Council Art Bank, amongst others. She is represented by Christie Contemporary and has had over 30 solo exhibitions since 1991. Christof performed at the 2012 Whitney Biennial. A book compiling his writings on sound art, Sonic Somatic: Performances of the Unsound Body was published in 2012 by Errant Bodies Press. He has been the recipient of commissions from the Tate Modern, Dazibao, Kunstradio, Centre for Art Tapes, New Adventures in Sound Art, Radio Canada, New American Radio. Both live in Toronto.

Repetitions with variances. Singulars into plural. Some humour tinged with pathos. Taking the word ‘concern’ seriously, yet steeped in explorations that retain a notion of play. Composed improvisations. In and out of control. Aleatory programming. Movements and stills. Shifts of scale. Moulds and models (not necessarily literally). Altered dimensions. Rerouting, reinjecting, responding. Finding edges. Mining particularities. Rippled resonances. Acoustics of images. Archeologies of the contemporary. Subtle alterations of tension and attention. Political inferences. Utopic aspirations. Ethical considerations. Inclusive tactics. Moored, anchored even, yet nimble, and at times furtive. Adding ad infinitum (scheemingly), but then distilling until dense kernels emerge, fittingly-finally.

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