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Srikanth Kolari


"I quit my job and began to travel with my wife across the world on a trip of self-discovery. I soon saw myself being led to the threshold of what you see exhibited here."

Born 1980, Srikanth Kolari is a self-taught photographer who has travelled the world capturing social and cultural news and events. His photography focuses on a wide range of social, political and economic issues such as the struggles of seasonal migrant workers, children in India, AIDS sufferers and sex workers. With no professional training, Kolari worked as an assistant to a wildlife photographer where he says he made some progress with his photographic skills, he then took to fashion photography which led to a job in Outlook, the national newsmagazine. His work has exhibited in India, Italy and Cambodia with his latest solo show being 'Journeys in Jharia, Kashmir and the Tsunami coast', Tasveer Gallery, Bangalore.

For his time at Glenfiddich, Kolari is eager to explore photography without the usual bounds of dark and sombre subject matter. He is particularly interested in portraiture and has been inspired by workers on site with older relations involved in the same line of work here at the distillery.

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