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Joyce Ho


Joyce Ho received her M.A. in studio arts from University of Iowa. She is an interdisciplinary artist with an emphasis in painting, sculpture and theater. Joyce Ho has exhibited at such venues as Kobe Biennale, Museum of Contemporary Art Shanghai, Today Art Museum and Museum of Fine Arts Shanghai. She has also worked as a scenic artist and theatre director with the avant-garde performance group Riverbed Theatre. The images she creates through her paintings, installations or performances all have some disturbing quality, whether it’s the angle of the character’s head or the awkwardness of the distorted bodies. But in order to complicate these unsettling images, the artist employs strong yellow hues to create a warm overall lighting that emanates throughout the entire space. This sense of “peaceful violence,” seduces the viewer with bright colours, while simultaneously confronting them with the damaged characters. Through her use of luminescent palette and theatrically charged compositions, Ho works to create a decidedly feminine perspective that embodies her generation’s precareious state of un-balance.

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